All of WūJīMāChā's contents and projects are currently shared across the Internet in a free and open source manner. We think such is the proper way to utilize the web—after all, it is in line with the pioneers' vision. Real beneficial thoughts and projects are always available to those who need them at the right moment, so their sharing should not be restricted by any artificial rules, particularly capitalistic ones. Such we always believe in.
WūJīMāChā 目前的所有內容和項目全部以免費和開源的方式分享至互联网之所及。我們認爲這是使用網絡的恰當方式——畢竟,它符合那些先驅者們的初衷。而真正有益的思考和項目,總會在恰當的時機出現在那些需要的人面前,因此對它們的分享不應該受任何人爲規則所限制,尤其是那些資本規則的限制。對此我們深信不疑。
While we are also deeply aware of the challenges of doing things in this manner. Perhaps the attempt could be viewed as a gamble on "humanity"—but a gamble worth betting. Such we always enjoy embarking on.
而我們也深諳如此行事方式在目前所需要面临的挑战。或許如此嘗試可以被看作是一次關於「人」的賭博。但它值得一賭。 對此我們樂此不疲。
Therefore we need your contribution. If you find our contents enjoyable and like the way we do things, please consider helping us remain sustainable through some or all of the following ways:
One-time or Recurring Donation
Your donations will allow contributors to have more time and energy to keep creating meaningful dialogues, essays, and initiate projects. They will also be used for WūJīMāChā domain name and mail system renewals, recording and other hardware maintenance and upgrades, and so on.
你的捐助將使得貢獻者有更多的時間和精力去持續創造有意義的對話,寫作,以及發起項目。它們也將用於 WūJīMāChā 域名和郵件系統續費,錄音等硬件設備維護和升級等。
All of your donations and our expenses are transparent. You may be able to see how funds circulate through our Open Collective page.
你的所有捐助和我們對其的使用都是公開透明的。 你可以通過我們的 Open Collective 頁面看到資金是如何流通的。
Please head to our Open Collective page to donate via Paypal or Stripe (which accepts all major debit and credit cards world-wide).
請前往我們的 Open Collective 主頁,通過貝寶、 Stripe(接受世界各地的所有主流借記卡和信用卡)或加密貨幣(即將開通)進行捐助。
Use and Share our Contents
Our podcasts, essays+, and projects are all under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). This entails that you may share and adapt our contents freely, under a few very limited terms.
我們的播客,寫作+,和項目全部遵循共享創意署名 4.0 國際版權協議(CC BY 4.0)。這意味着你可以在非常有限的一些條款下,自由地使用和修改我們的內容。
We also hope that you could spread the word about us to your friends. Perhaps you could achieve that by sharing our links on social networks; but it would be even better if you could tell your friends in person. Nothing beats the power of word-of-mouth.
Write Comments and Feedback
We welcome any kind comments and feedback! They serve a great encouragement to the contributors. You may share your thoughts with us via email.
Join or Initiate Projects
3.1 Submit to WūJīMāChā Essay+
投稿至 WūJīMāChā Essay+
3.2 Join existing projects or even initiate projects that you think is in line with what we do (let us know via email).
3.3 Help us improve (via email): Website re-design? Essay translation? And so on.
WūJīMāChā Founding Members
WūJīMāChā 創始成員